If you are dealing with finished wood, the best thing you can settle for is the wood putty.

Smoothening it out or sanding it is quite impossible. If you sand it, it won’t stay in one place and will not dry eventually. When you are working with wood putty, it is necessary that you keep it in one place till it dries down. More specifically, wood putty cannot be sanded. However, if you are using wood putty, you do not sand. When you use wood filler, to smoothen the surface, you will need a woodworking sander. However, sanding is required only if you are using wood filler. When you are a woodworker, you have to deal with sanding after you cut the pieces. You can fill up the cracks, tiny gouges and nail holes with the stainable wood filler and make it look perfect! Sanding Ability However, wood fillers require to be finished or stained with it comes to the adherence ability. On the contrary, sawdust or wood fibers are blended together when it comes to constructing the wood filler. The first thing where the wood filler differs from wood putty is the construction material.

And most of them use both! However, there are some basic differences that make one of them a better choice for you! Let us learn which one to go for depending on their attributes. Most of the new woodworker doesn’t know the difference between wood putty and wood filler.